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Showing posts from July, 2012

The Wonderful Prepositions of Romans

I’m taking much comfort and encouragement from Romans right now, even as I write this.   There are some awesome words in Romans, specifically in chapters 5, 6, and 8 where I am spending some time.   Of course, there are the big words like justification and sanctification and propitiation, but there are also some small words that are great to understand and dwell on.   That’s what I’m up to.   I’ll use all caps for the little words that have BIG significance.   FOR: First, the Gospel: For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died FOR the ungodly. Romans 5:6 Jesus died FOR us.   He died in our place.   He did something unique because He was uniquely capable of dying FOR us.   This is Good News.   Without the FOR there would be no IN or THROUGH or WITH Christ.   But since He died FOR us, we can now see what is true IN and THROUGH and WITH Jesus.   IN Christ: Romans 6 is all about bein...

Ephapax and heis

For by a single offering He has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. Hebrews 10:14 So, the title is a little bit nerdy.   But these two Greek words have been so sweet to me for the past few weeks that I wanted to include them in this essay.   The first word, ephapax, means once for all and the second, heis, simply means once or single.   They occur multiple times in the book of Hebrews in regards to Christ’s singular, all-accomplishing, eternally-effective sacrifice for sins and are contrasted with the reoccurring, ineffective, sin-exposing sacrifices made under the law by the earthly Levitical priests.   I have been so blessed by the reminders in Hebrews that Jesus Christ is the perfect, sinless Son of God who shed His own blood for the forgiveness of sins and the reconciliation of sinners.   His single, once for all, sacrifice was entirely adequate and has eternal benefits to all who would put our trust in Jesus for ...