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Observations From Preaching For the First Time

Yesterday, I had the privilege of delivering God’s Word to His people for the first time. It’s been an amazing season of growth that led up to yesterday (and continues). I’ve wrestled with the sinful fears of doubt and inadequacy and the type of pride that focuses all the attention on me in a negative way instead of thinking that I’m all that. I’ve wrestled through the righteous fear of not wanting to mishandle the Word of God.

God has brought me to a deeper level of belief. Belief in Him and His promises. Belief in the sufficiency of His grace that is in Jesus Christ. Belief in the Gospel as the power of God for salvation.

It has been so, so sweet walking through this with Him constantly reminding me of His faithfulness. It is so easy for me to lower God to the level of humans who have disappointed me or deserted me when everything seemed to be going so well. It’s been easy to fear that God would do the same after growing my excitement for preaching over the last three years. But God is not like us. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. And I am included in “us.”

God is always going to be there to care for my heart. And it is sweet to know that now more than I did two months ago when I still truly expected Him to pull the rug out from under me at any point and have all my excitement and momentum to preach that was growing shattered for good.

Instead, just like the Good Shepherd He is, He has not only walked with me through these fears, but led and guided my heart to sincerely believe that whatever the future holds, He has my good in mind. He will give me the desires of my heart because, to me, knowing Jesus Christ is of surpassing worth to everything in this world. Even if ministry doesn’t end up being my future, it won’t be because God has forsaken me! It will be His kindness.

So, that’s me. Still messy. Still like that kid who wants to jump in the pool but isn’t sure if his daddy will catch him. But at the same time, a man who is becoming very confident in God and His ability to raise up leaders who will faithfully proclaim the Word of God. And confident that I just might be one of those men.

I praise God and ascribe Him the glory that is due His name!

Ok, some observations from my first preaching experience at Russell Church yesterday.

I. No amount of preparation can make up for the absence of God’s Spirit. Faithfulness in preparation is essential, no doubt, but if God’s Spirit doesn’t come with power, then all a preacher is doing is giving a pep talk. Body of Christ, we need God’s Spirit! We need Him in the preaching of the Word, in our own devotional lives, in our every day interactions with the world and in battling against temptation! Without the Spirit, God is not worshipped (John 4).
II. If I am not convicted by the Word of God and the text that I am preaching, I doubt anyone else will be either! But, if by God’s grace, conviction comes as I prepare, the Spirit of God will communicate that conviction to the congregation. This gave me tremendous confidence leading up to preaching.
III. I don’t know that I can imagine a more exciting thing than getting to see the Spirit of God at work. To be preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and see the saints of God being refreshed and built up right before my eyes…AMAZING!
IV. I can do it. For three years this was the lingering question in my heart. God, could you really use me to preach the Word? Could I really have that type of influence on your people? Are you really telling me to be a preacher? Yesterday put that question to rest. Yes, in some capacity, God is calling me to preach His Word. In some capacity, God has equipped me to be a teacher of the Bible. And I know I can do it because God is with me. It’s not about me or my talents. It’s about God and His wisdom that has appointed men to deliver His Word to His people. His grace is enough for even timid, self-conscious Matt to unleash the Word of God.
V. I am indebted to Jesus Christ. His love is better than life. I want Him to be known and His glory to be put on display.


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